Search: implicit euler method

4 results

Astrophysics 2

  Gravity Assist

animation, gravity, newton, semi-implicit euler method

Explaining the concept and simulating gravitational slingshot of a spacecraft passing a planet.

  Planetary Motion

space, explicit euler method, gravity, newton

Applying the explicit and implicit Euler methods and the fourth order Runge-Kutta method to calculate the trajectory of the Earth around the Sun.

Partial Differential Equations 1

  Partial Differential Equations - Two Examples

animation, laplace's equation, finite-differences, pde, differential equation, stability, implicit euler method

This module shows two examples of how to discretize partial differential equations: the 2D Laplace equation and 1D heat equation.

Ordinary Differential Equations 1

  Implicit Euler Method

euler, ode

Solving a first-order ordinary differential equation using the implicit Euler method (backward Euler method).